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如果你来自 npm,主要变化是:

¥If you're coming from npm, the main changes are:

  • 运行 yarn 足以运行安装!它是 yarn install 的别名。

    ¥Running yarn is enough to run an install! It's an alias to yarn install.

  • 使用 yarn add 可以添加或更新对单个包的依赖。

    ¥Adding or updating a dependency to a single package is done with yarn add.

  • 使用 yarn up 升级整个项目的依赖。

    ¥Upgrading a dependency across the whole project is done with yarn up.

  • 你的脚本已别名化。调用 yarn buildyarn run build 相同!

    ¥Your scripts are aliased. Calling yarn build is the same as yarn run build!

  • 大多数与注册表相关的命令都移到了 yarn npm 后面(例如:yarn npm audit)。

    ¥Most registry-related commands are moved behind yarn npm (ex: yarn npm audit).

要查看完整的命令列表,请检查 CLI 参考

¥To see the full list of commands, check the CLI reference.