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Yarn 是一个成熟的开源包管理器,用于管理 JavaScript 项目中的依赖。它协助安装、更新、配置和删除软件包依赖的过程,最终帮助你更快地实现目标,减少干扰。

¥Yarn is an established open-source package manager used to manage dependencies in JavaScript projects. It assists with the process of installing, updating, configuring, and removing packages dependencies, eventually helping you reach your objectives faster with fewer distractions.


¥Its areas of focus are speed, correctness, security, and developer experience, which we improve along every axis by leveraging a suite of innovative features such as workspaces, offline caching, parallel installs, hardened mode, interactive commands, and more.

鉴于其强大的功能和出色的记录,Yarn 被证明是 JavaScript 生态系统不可或缺的资源,可在任何规模的项目中提高效率、安全性和积极的开发者体验。

¥Given its robust features and stellar track record, Yarn proves to be an indispensable asset to the JavaScript ecosystem, driving efficiency, security, and positive developer experience in projects of any size.


与大多数其他包管理器不同,它们通常会将非安装相关命令推迟到 npm,而 Yarn 会重新实现所有命令,以便完全控制我们的开发者体验和稳定性。

¥Unlike most other package managers, which typically defer to npm for non-install-related commands, Yarn reimplements all commands, so as to have full control over our developer experience and stability.