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管理 Yarn 的首选方式是按项目并通过 Corepack,这是 Node.js 默认附带的工具。Yarn 的现代版本不打算全局安装,也不打算从 npm 安装。

¥The preferred way to manage Yarn is by-project and through Corepack, a tool shipped by default with Node.js. Modern releases of Yarn aren't meant to be installed globally, or from npm.

  1. 如果尚未启用 Corepack,请先启用它;这会将 yarn 二进制文件添加到你的 PATH:

    ¥Start by enabling Corepack, if it isn't already; this will add the yarn binary to your PATH:

corepack enable
  1. 然后初始化一个新项目:

    ¥Then initialize a new project:

yarn init -2

更新 Yarn

¥Updating Yarn

任何时候你想要将 Yarn 更新到最新版本,只需运行:

¥Any time you'll want to update Yarn to the latest version, just run:

yarn set version stable
yarn install

然后,Yarn 将配置你的项目以使用最新的稳定二进制文件。

¥Yarn will then configure your project to use the most recent stable binary.


Yarn 也经常发布候选版本。如果你需要尚未在稳定通道上发布的功能,请使用 yarn set version canary。这些版本非常稳定,与常规渠道的唯一区别是,随着我们实现新的重大变化,主要版本之间的迁移更加交错。

¥Yarn also frequently ships Release Candidate builds. Use yarn set version canary should you need a feature not released on the stable channel yet. Those builds are very stable, the only difference with the regular channel being a more staggered migration between major as we implement new breaking changes.

从 master 安装最新版本

¥Installing the latest build fresh from master

你可能想要测试一个最近的 Yarn 版本,它尚未在候选版本中发布,甚至尚未合并。以下命令将直接从我们的存储库克隆、构建和安装 Yarn 到你的项目中:

¥You may want to test a version of Yarn so recent it hasn't been released in a Release Candidate yet, or even not merged. The following command will clone, build, and install Yarn in your project, straight from our repository:

它接受 --branch 标志,你可以使用它来测试特定的 PR:

¥It accepts a --branch flag which you can use to test specific PRs:

yarn set version from sources --branch 1211

与稳定和预览渠道不同,yarn set version from sources 命令无法利用 Corepack,需要将 Yarn 二进制文件存储在 .yarn/releases 文件夹中,并从项目的 .yarnrc.yml 文件中引用它。

¥Unlike the stable and canary channels, the yarn set version from sources command can't leverage Corepack and will need to store the Yarn binary inside the .yarn/releases folder and reference it from your project's .yarnrc.yml file.